Isaac Denniston named ECICO Conductor

A Big Welcome to ECICO’s newly named Conductor, Isaac Denniston, who says it best …

“I am very humbled and honored to be selected as the main conductor for The East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra starting this fall.

Thanks to the connection through former ECICO leader Rachel Eldridge, who I greatly miss, I have had the privilege of getting to play in and even conduct a few concerts with this group over the last few years.

A highlight was taking my students from NMS Titan Choirs – Northside Middle School to collaborate with the orchestra a couple years ago.

I am so thankful and excited to start this new journey in the fall alongside my other duties of continuing to be a middle school choir/ broadcasting teacher and directing The Anderson University Community Concert Band.”

East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra

The East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra (ECICO) is a unique and diverse group of musicians, made up of different ages and backgrounds, who love to play light classical music programs, and to share them with local audiences, through its Spring and Fall concerts – Free, Public events held in various easy-access venues in the region.

ECICO makes the classics available to all, and whether they be new to classical music, or are experienced listeners, all are welcome. Each concert is such a great opportunity to introduce all family members to the time-honored music of the great composers.